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Saturday, February 2, 2008 


There is technology available that allows users to transfer VHS movies to DVDs. This task consumes a lot of power. The volume of memory in the computer and the quickness of the CPU determine the rate and ease of the transfer. A CPU with a minimum of 2.8 GHZ and 512 MB of RAM is generally suggested.

The transferred VHS movies are stored, albeit temporarily, on the hard drive of the computer. This process takes up a lot of space. Buying a large hard drive just for this purpose may not be as unfeasible, as hard drives are fairly inexpensive.

dvd discs and burners have two formats, DVD+R and DVD-R. Of the two, DVD-R format is more common and in tune with most DVD players. Therefore, it is a more feasible format to use if the dvd player is connected to the television.

To copy VHS movies to dvd, you need competent video editing software that can capture analog signals from the VHS, edit the same and publish the video to a dvd format. There are devices on the market that assist in this task.

A video Capture card is probably the best choice for video editing. The higher the quality of the Capture card the better the results. Capture Cards come in a price range of $100 to $10,000. There is a distinctly cheaper alternative -- the external Capture device. This tiny box is the best option for a computer novice. There is no need for a video Capture card with this box, but it does not give the user the editing choices that are offered by video Capture Cards. The external Capture Devices sell for $50 to $150. Graphics Cards possessing video Capturing Capabilities are the third and the newest option. Graphic Cards are the ideal choice for people buying a new computer they are less expensive than purchasing a Capture card and a video card.

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