Saturday, October 13, 2007 

Abdominal Exercise Routine - Factors To Note

Millions of people in the whole world definitely know how helpful doing an abdominal exercise routine is in losing weight. Many of them, in fact, have been doing a variety of exercises that are developed to tone and strengthen the core muscles of the abdominals. They go to gyms and fitness centers to attend trainings and practices, and its nice to know that all of them have achieved certain changes not just on their body weight, but also in the appearance of their tummies.

Although a regular abdominal exercise routine is valuable in obtaining a toner and well-shaped abs, there are still certain factors that people must know about this considerable practice. First is that, the abdominal exercise routine must not be overdone for too much of them can make you feel uncomfortable. So just do whatever you can in a limit. If you want to do some sit ups, for instance, then you can eliminate the excess fat on your abdomen by simply doing the standard or recommended numbers of this exercise.

Another important thing to note about doing an abdominal exercise routine is that to obtain better results, the exercises must be coupled with proper diet. Too much dieting wont help, so to stick with the right amount of meals a day. If what you are opting is not just a toned and well-shaped abdominals, but a slimmer waist, then its now time for you to cut your calorie intake. While doing all these things, you need to keep one fact in mind your abdomen is going to look perfect if you will just stay focus on your abdominal exercises and diet.

While a regular exercise that is coupled with proper diet can help you get the look you want, it is still necessary for every interested individual to consider his or her overall health prior to taking any of the above mentioned steps. Yes, keeping a regular track of your health will make a big difference. One easy way to do this is to consult your doctor about your health condition and everything that will affect your weight loss and abdominal strengthening and toning purposes. If you are pregnant, for instance, then the more you need to consult a physician. He or she will help you determine what particular practices or movements you need to incorporate into your abdominal exercise routine. Note that pregnant women are generally not allowed to do heavy exercises because of their condition. So, just the basics of abdominal exercises will work.

Now, are you thinking of starting an abdominal exercise routine? Want something healthy? As mentioned, theres nothing else you can do than to consult an expert to know more about your condition, and then perform abdominal exercises coupled with proper diet.

Milos Pesic is a professional fitness trainer who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Abdominal Training web site. For more articles and resources on abdominal exercises, abdominal workout tips, abdominal fitness equipment and much more visit his site at:

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Alternative Weather Forecasts and Hurricane Season 2007

From alternative music and media to alternative medicine, we're increasingly offered nontraditional replacements to mainstream methods, institutions and practices. Although conventional approaches serve a purpose, growing awareness of their limitations and flaws impel men to explore along the fringe for new, and in some cases, ancient solutions.

So why not alternative weather forecasts? Present day orthodox forecast techniques lack the ability to accurately predict the weather beyond three or four days. Even with the assistance of the largest weather computer in the world, whose lightning-fast calculations approach about 400 million per second, the results of its three-day forecasts are speculative; its six to seven day forecasts are worthless. According to conventional weather forecasters, this is due to the complexity of atmospheric forces and processes.

What some scientists see as complexity, however, might actually be viewed as simplicity when the frame of reference is changed. Johannes Kepler, the 17th century astronomer and discoverer of the planetary laws of motion, experimented with what today would be considered an alternative forecast method that made long-range weather forecasts possible. Kepler observed that the angular relationships among the planets coincided with the formation of weather systems here on Earth that, in turn, produced storms, droughts, floods, etc. His first brush with fame came not because of his breakthrough regarding the planetary laws of motion but because of his accurate long-range weather forecast of the severe winter that put Styermark, germany on ice in 1593. Since the planets move in repetitive cycles that can be known beforehand, he reasoned, the weather induced by them can also be known beforehand.

We can all see the advantages that such predictions could have. accurate long-range weather forecasts would bring enormous benefits to the weather derivatives market, agriculture, transportation, construction, and other industries, not to mention the lives that could be saved through advance knowledge of severe weather conditions.

The weather Alternative's forecast system is based on Kepler's work and takes a look at Hurricane Season 2007. Although no forecast method, be it conventional or alternative, can claim 100 percent accuracy, it is interesting to note the dependability this method offers.

Ken Paone has been working with Kepler's long-range weather forecasting method for about 16 years. His published forecasts have appeared internationally. You can email Ken at check out the long-range weather forecasts for Hurricane Season 2007 as well as the results of his past forecasts at

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Best Lower Ab Workout - How to Blast the Lower Abs

Finding the best lower ab workout is not always an easy thing to do. It can be frustrating to keep trying to work the lower abs if you feel like you are not doing it right.

In this article, you will learn what it takes to have the best lower ab workout around.

Before we get into 3 exercises, it is important that you understand some basics about training the lower abs.

The first thing that you should understand is that just working the lower abs will not result in losing fat in that area. In order to lose fat in that area, you need to lose fat all over your body. This is how basic fat loss works. If you have a lot of fat to lose, then the best lower ab workout in the world won't do the trick all by itself. The same goes for someone who just has to lose the last few pounds.

The good news is that doing a great lower ab workout safely and effectively will help to strengthen your core, as well as tone those muscles up for when you are in the single digits with body fat percentage =)

Losing fat all over your body requires that you do the right combination of strength training (don't worry you will not get big and bulky), a special type of cardio called interval training, and most important, have a great diet.

Once you have those things under control, your fat loss efforts will be guaranteed.

But you came to this page looking for the best lower ab workout around, so here are a few exercises you can try right now.

Remember that training your abs is different than training other muscles. If you were working your biceps, you might try doing 3 sets of 10 reps for a few different exercises. For your lower abs, you will want to do a special sequence of exercises with little rest in between. This is called abdominal circuit training.

Here are some of the best lower ab exercises to try:

1. Alternating Supine Leg Walks

Start off by laying on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Lift your legs so they are vertical. Contract your abs so your midsection is tense.

Then, lower 1 leg so your foot is a few inches from the ground. Hold there for about 1 second, then return that leg to the starting position. Alternate which leg you lower.

Try a reps and really try to feel the lower abs working.

2. Supine Reverse Crunches

Start off by laying on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Lift your legs so they are vertical, then bend your knees at a 90 degree angle. Contract your abs so your midsection is tense.

Keeping your knees bent at the same angle, slowly lower them until the back of your feet are a few inches above the ground. Then, bring your knees up towards your chest and really squeeze your abs while doing this.


3. Leg Lifts

Start off by laying on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Lift your legs so they are vertical.

Contract your midsection by engaging the upper abs.

Then, lower both legs so that the back of your feet are right above the ground. After holding that position for a few second, return your legs to the vertical position.


All three of those exercises are part of getting the best lower ab workout possible. If you have any lower back problems at all, you should not hesitate to see a doctor for exercise advice. Now you know the basic components of having one of the best lower ab workouts. Remember your safety comes first!

Good luck, and remember to keep learning and stay persistent =)

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise. His website at offers a free 47 page ebook titled "How to Fire Up Your Metabolism and Lose Body Fat Permanently". Tom's free newsletter from The Fat Loss Zone is jam packed with tips and techniques guaranteed to get you on the fast track to having a slim and sexy physique.

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