Monday, December 17, 2007 

Weight Loss - The Easy Way

Modern life style demands that we look our best and in the pink of our health. To look sexy is the in thing and any extra flab is looked down upon. This attitude has led people to look for ways to lose weight easily. Besides maintaining good health, a great body tends to affect people psychologically as it instills confidence in the person.

The market is flooded with diet plans, supplements and easy weight loss programs making it a daunting task to select the right one which in turn discourages people from following any specific program. Though it sounds too good to be true, easy weight loss does exist. Though it may be marketed and packaged in various forms, the secrets of easy weight loss are the most simple information. Since the calorie intake for every person varies and is dependent on factors like weight, height, and target weight, it is important to determine the calories your body needs.

effective weight loss: easy steps

All diet programs focus on healthy eating. Studies have proved that for easy weight loss you should consume fruits and vegetables. You should have at least 5 servings of fruits or vegetables in dried, cooked, fresh or canned forms. Fruits and vegetables help in preventing you to eat too much as they give a full feeling and keep your calorie count low.

Another conventional method to lose weight easily is to restrict your portion size. Those plans that do not follow portion limitation eliminate certain foods. By watching your portion size you can indulge in eating all kinds of food. So, eating proper amount of cakes and desserts when you want to will not set you back in your weight loss goal.

Do not be tempted to skip meals in order to lose weight fast. Instead of starving it is advisable to have small but frequent meals. This will help keep your calorie intake and blood sugar levels balanced throughout the day.

All said and done, it is important to combine the above mentioned easy weight loss tips with regular physical activities. So, for guaranteed and easy weight loss you must have a judicious balance of diet and exercise.

Ravi Agarwal is publisher of fitness website - He has written several informative articles on health and fitness topics.

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Abdominal Obesity: The Weight You Put on Depends on Your Body Type!

Many people gain weight around the belly. and for most of us it is quite embarrassing. This takes away the charm of wearing clothes. This abdominal fat is very hard to get rid of.Different people have different fat storage areas. most men store fat around the abdomen. This fat is stored in the fat cells. The number of fat cells remain fixed . However as we store more fat these cells grow more bigger. The fat cells are stored between the skin and the muscles and also in deeper tissues called the visceral fat which surrounds the vital body organs. The way in which the person puts on weight depends upon the body type of a particular person.

There are three different body types:

1. The ectomorphs - Those who are slim with slender muscles. They put on weight around their belly without corresponding increase in the arms or legs.

2. The mesomorphs - Those who put on weight around the belly plus arms and legs but usually not on the face.

3. The endomorphs - Those who put weight not only on the abdomen, but also around the hips and thighs. women after their menopause also put on weight around the abdomen.

Must Read: 10 tips to lose weight from hips and thighs at

There is also a connection between mind and the body. This mind body connection also determines the way in which a person puts on weight. People who are chronically stressed produce large amounts of body steroid called cortisol. It affects the fat distribution by causing fat to be deposited in the abdominal and visceral areas.

abdominal obesity also leads to various diseases. To name a few, there are cardiovascular disorders, high cholesterol, diabetes and polycystic ovary.

How to lose abdominal fat?

most people have the misconception that one can lose spot fat by spot exercises! The truth is that the body has a complicated system of fat deposition and fat removal, so exercising a particular body area results in toning that area, which may initially look like some sort of inch loss due to tightening of muscle tissue! But to burn fat on the abdomen, one should follow a combination of a fat loss diet along with cardiovascular training and muscle conditioning and de-stressing exercises.

Must Read: obesity being termed as No.1 killer in U.S. Know more about it at

Random tip: Weight loss helps in erectile dysfunction and hence enhances your sex life as per a recent research. So you have one more reason to lose weight.

About the Author

Ashley green: for your complete and most comprehensive family guide on health.

Also get free tips and tricks on weight loss and a chance to go through other informative articles targetting various health issues at Natural Weight Loss Tips/Programs Article Directory

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