Wednesday, February 27, 2008 

Eat Less to Lose Weight

With all the new advances in nutrition and exercise research it seems to be a contradiction that obesity and over weight is on the rise in North America. It's pretty clear that we know more now than we ever did about how to eat properly and how to exercise for weight loss and overall health. research in nutrition and exercise shown us exactly what we need to do to lose weight, get into great shape, and stay that way? If science has progressed in these fields of research, why hasn't it resulted in a more fit, healthy, and slimmer population?

The truth is that the opposite is happening to the population. The percentage of overweight, obese and unhealthy adults is rising right along side our scientific knowledge of how to fight it. What is even more alarming is the rise in the percentage of overweight and obese children. We are teaching our children our bad habits.

This is sending a pretty clear message to me. The information we get from scientific research is not reaching the general population. Or more accurately, the message isn't being supported enough by government and industry in our daily routines.

For example: Science would dictate that you should eat modest portions of whole foods, with plenty of fruits and vegetables as a staple of a healthy diet. The reality is that most of us can find half a dozen fast food restaurants within 5 minutes of our houses that are offering us the exact opposite of what we know we should be eating. Even more troubling is the fact that if everyone actually tried to eat the daily recommend amount of fruits and veggies there wouldnt be enough to go around. Author and acclaimed nutrition researcher Marion Nestle points out in her book What to Eat that the north American food supply of fruits and veggies doesnt even add up to the daily recommend amount for each person. The food industry will only produce the food they know they can sell. And we as a population just dont buy that much produce.

The repeated and relentless marketing messages to eat more we receive on a daily basis can overpower most of our better intentions when it comes to making food decisions.

The one message you will never hear from the food industry is eat less. However almost all diet studies that show any significant amount of weight loss have one thing in common: the people in the study consumed less calories.

This is the paradox. Science tells us to lose weight we need to eat less. But the food industry which surrounds us every day is telling us to eat more. And the voice of the food industry is much louder than the voice of science. Just think of how many fast food restaurants, convenience stores, radio and tv commercials, flyers, coupons and other food ads you are exposed to in a day. Then think of how many daily messages you get reminding you to eat a sensible diet with moderate portions and whole foods.

Its not a fair fight, and I dont have to tell you which side usually wins in the battle for your attention. Look no further than the rising obesity, overweight, diabetes and heart disease rates and you have your answer.

food manufacturers and restaurants know how to push your buttons and entice you to purchase their products, and lots of them too, this is unlikely to change any time soon. It will always be your personal challenge and responsibility to choose to eat less in a society that will forever continue to tell you to eat more.

John Barban is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a varsity strength and conditioning coach. His trademarked Circuit Training Workouts is designed to get a full body cardio and muscle toning workout in the comfort of your own home. John is a senior contributor at where you can sign up to get insider information in the nutrition and fitness industry. You can ask John a question on the dedicated to support women with their fitness and nutrition goals.

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Fastest Way To Lose Weight Is Also The Easiest

If you are looking for the fastest way to lose weight and you have over 100 pounds to lose, youre in luck.

A breakthrough weight loss system, originally highly guarded by bodybuilders and people in the anorexic community, is finally being exposed to everybody.

This is not unhealthy or faddish, and is actually clinically proven to be very beneficial, both physically and psychologically on dieters.

This weight loss system, called calorie cycling, enables people to shock the metabolism into burning fat more efficiently, thus resulting in more rapid weight loss.

Dieters are never hungry and never in a famine mindset. There is also never any unrealistic starvation or removal of any one food group, such as low carbohydrate. people get to choose what they want to eat, so there are no pre-packaged foods, pills, potions, liquids, bars, or anything to buy.

In tests, people lost much more weight with this versus starvation, low calories, and 99.1% of the other fad diets.

This weight loss method is so powerful that it allows people to lose up to 11 pounds every 13 days. In very rare cases, some people (those with a lot of weight to lose) have reported losses of up to 35 pounds in a month. This is absolutely the fastest way to lose weight.

Other benefits of this diet are that dieters can avoid the plateau effect by switching their calories, and they can eat whatever they want (in moderation but reasonable moderation, not tiny servings).

In research, dieters were happier and more willing to stay on this diet versus traditional diets such as low calorie and low carbohydrate. energy levels stayed the same or higher as compared to other diets as well.

If you have 100 pounds or more to lose, calorie cycling is absolutely the fastest way to lose weight.

Rachel Jenkins has lost 100 pounds herself, and is passionate about helping other people do it too. You can check her website out at

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Microsoft Xbox 360 Elite - The Next Generation in Gaming Hardware

microsoft xbox 360 is all about the next generation of fun. The new system is a real power house that delivers the highest-rated next geneneration games line up with 6 out of the top 10 rated games.

There are two consoles to choose from. The xbox 360 which has a 20GB hardrive and the new xbox 360 Elite . Both systems come with wireless controllers, network cable, headset, AV cable, and a Silver membership to Xbox Live. Both are backwards compatible with xbox games. To transfer content from your current xbox to the 360 Elite, you'll need a hard Drive Transfer cable. Games are supported in high definition with a 16-to-9 aspect ratio, at either 480p, 720p or 1080i, with anti-aliasing as well as standard definition. Audio can be mono, stereo, or Dolby Digital 5.1. During installation, you can set audio and video preferences easily.

The new system has several advantages over its predecessor. hard-drive capacity leaps from 20GB to 120GB--a huge benefit if you plan to use the system to download lots of movie and music files from xbox live. And the unit now has an hdmi 1.2 interface; hdmi provides the optimal interconnection for high-definition video playback, and it delivers better image quality (at up to 1080p resolution) than can component video (limited to 1080i output on the xbox 360) or vga (at 1080p).

Microsoft's HD dvd player add-on drive provides a seamless integration with the 360 Elite to provide superior image quality. HD dvd images at 1080p were significantly sharper than those produced by the xbox 360 over component video at 720p resolution. Keep in mind that your HDTV also needs the 1080p resolution. HDMI and 1080p resolution may have less effect on how games appear than on how movies appear. This is because many games were created at 720p resolution; by contrast, all HD dvd movies are encoded at 1080p. It's just a matter of time before games will take advantage of the higher resolution.

Microsoft's xbox 360 has the wide popularity with the game Halo 3 which has given it a jump in the competition. Play station 3 and xbox 360 both have the game The Elder Scrolls: oblivion. Out side of differnt lighting and focus the games play the same on either console. The main difference is, the load time for the game, is by far faster on the Playstation 3. The war between xbox and PlayStation will ultimately be won by the popularity of the games exclusive to each system.

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