Saturday, December 29, 2007 

Improving Your Short Game, Secrets To Playing Better Golf

How many times have you had an excellent drive followed by an equally excellent approach shot only to be disappointed by your chip/pitch/sand shot and/or 3-putt effort? The short game (putting, chipping, pitching and sand play) accounts for about 80 percent of your total score. These skills are too important to be ignored.

You dont believe us? The next time youre out on the golf course, count the number of shots it takes you to get from the edge of the green to the hole. If youre an average golfer like us, you will be surprised at the number of strokes you use on your short game, and it doesnt necessarily depending on what golf equipment you are using.

If you want to lower your score, your best chance to do so would be to work on your short game. With a little time and effort spent practicing with your wedges and putter, you will improve your game and shave strokes off your score. The great thing is that improving your short game does not require any special strength, coordination, conditioning or special golf clubs. These are skills that everybody who plays can masterand have fun improving! The key is to spend just as much time, if not more time, practicing your short game as you do your long game.

putting Rule: When putting, try not to think too hard. this is when mistakes are usually made. Am I taking the putter too far back? Am I aligned correctly? If you continually ask yourself these questions on the green, you are already thinking of ways to miss the putt. Just look at the hole and go straight at it. Why do you think new golfers and kids sometimes do so well at putting? Is it because they have a special gift for putting? No, of course it isnt. Its because they are not thinking about their approach and are only wanting for the ball to go in the hole. We know that this sounds overly simplistic, but if you do your thinking on the practice green and get your timing and alignment set on a consistent basis, the next time youre on the course it will all become instinctive and you can then concentrate on distance and the undulations on the green and not focus attention on your putting stroke.

putting Practice: Before you tee off on the first hole if you're in a hurry. this exercise will help you make good contact with the ball and create momentum on your putts. Place the ball about three feet away from the hole on a flat part of the green. Without using a backstroke, push the ball into the hole using your putter. In other words, don't use a backstroke during this part of the exercise. Hit the ball immediately from address, do this 5 times and get a good feel for your follow-through. After doing this, use your normal putting stroke and hit the ball another 5 times from the same distance. You should notice a difference in your putting stroke. this simple and quick exercise creates a smoother stroke and follow-through when putting.

Pitch Shot Rule: Set your hips, knees and feet open to the target and accelerate through your swing. Yes, there are other things that your could work on when hitting a wedge, but the most common mistakes that amateurs make are standing square to the ball at address and slowing down on the backswing. Correcting these two flaws will enable you to hit more consistent and accurate shots. Keeping your shoulders square and slightly opening up your hips, knees and feet towards the target will allow you to get through the shot and get air under the ball. Your follow through should be as long as, if not longer, than your backswing just to make sure you accelerate through it. this will allow you to make good contact with the ball and you will make consistently straight and accurate shots.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out to the golf course and start shaving strokes off your score!

Copyright 2007 David Lester

David Lester is the owner of a golf content website. David has worked in the golf industry for over 10 years in various capacities such as product management and international sales.

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Finding the Right Child Weight Loss Program

With the increasing problems on child obesity, parents are beginning to look for more effective child weight loss program. However, not every child weight loss program can be effective since each child has different needs. Here are some tips to help you find the right weight loss program for your child.

Why you need a child weight loss program

If your child is obese, they are at a higher risk for health problems like heart diseases, diabetes, musculoskeletal ailments, asthma, and even cancer. Furthermore, they have a greater chance of remaining obese for the rest of their lives, and can even develop self-esteem and self-image problems. This doesnt just affect their physical health and appearance, but also the way they relate to themselves and the people around them.

The numbers

Children need a specific amount of calories everyday to give them energy for their activities, such as breathing and walking. For boys, the recommended amount is 2000 calories a day for ages 7 to 10, 2500 calories for 11 to 14, and 3000 calories for 15 to 18. Girls, on the other hand, need 2000 calories if they are 7 to 10 years old and 2200 calories if they are 11 to 18 years old. However, these numbers are only estimated amounts, so you should still consult your doctor to find the right numbers for your child.

Some children may need more or fewer calories, depending on their metabolism. Children need more calories if they have a fast metabolism, and less if they have it slow. Fast or slow metabolism can run in the family, so they may be more at risk if you have obese relatives.

food restriction

Part of an effective child weight loss program involves restricting certain types of foods, especially those that contain too much carbohydrates or fats. Examples include sweets, meat, junk food and fast food. Occasional treats are fine, but dont make a habit of taking them to a burger joint every week.

Your diet can be suitable for your child

Some parents believe that their weight loss program can also benefit their children. While Atkins and South Beach may benefit you, they may not be suitable for your child. Fortunately, these weight loss programs along with many others can be modified to fit your childs health and calorie needs. Your doctor can help you modify an existing plan to suit your childs needs.

What to avoid

A doctor would never prescribe weight loss drugs to your child unless there is no other choice. Therefore, you should avoid buying weight loss drugs for your child because their ingredients are most likely unsuitable for the childs body and can cause even greater side effects. If you think your child needs one, consult your doctor first.

weight loss programs

Here are a few examples of weight loss programs that can be modified to fit your childs health and weight loss needs:

1.Atkins diet This can actually be modified into a child weight loss program with the help of dietary or nutritional experts and your childs physician. This diet involves the consumption of foods with less carbohydrates, fats, flour, and sugar.

2.South Beach diet Your child needs the necessary calories for energy from particular foods, and this weight loss program involves the consumption of enough good carbs and good fats that your child needs to go about their daily activities.

3.Mediterranean diet Inspired by the eating patterns of Mediterranean countries like Southern Italy and Greece, this weight loss program can be modified for children to learn how to eat fruits, vegetables, wheat, cereal, and fish. This is also good for teaching them the benefits of eating healthier foods.

Get medical advice

One child weight loss program can have different effects for each child. It is best for parents to take their child to a physician for a check-up. This is necessary especially if the child is already obese or nearing obesity, or is already experiencing health problems.

The physical examination

Weighing your child is part of the doctors examination before they can determine the right child weight loss program for them. Then, the doctor is going to determine the BMI, the weight of your childs body fat and muscle, and their water weight. The doctor is going to perform an evaluation on your childs weight and overall health condition and then they are going to recommend the right weight loss program for them.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

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