Friday, February 1, 2008 

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Is it a Scam?

You have probably heard of the weight loss program called Fat loss 4 Idiots. It has been around for a while, and is extremely popular. I'm going to tell you what sets this weight loss program apart from the rest, and why people are flocking to it.

When you order fat loss 4 idiots, you will be taken to a software generator where you will download meal plans for the next 11 days. You will have 11 days of the diet plan, then the next 4 days will be cheap meals, where you can eat whatever you want before starting the next 11 day cycle. The great thing about fat loss 4 idiots, is that unlike other diet programs, you will actually be able to select the food you like! So instead of having to choke down food you can't stand, you will be eating what you love and losing weight at the same time. 4 meals will be generated per day, having a minimum of 2.5 hours before you can start the next meal. This way, you won't have to starve.

How much can you lose with fat loss 4 idiots? The system claims that you will lose 9 lbs every 11 days, which is very unlikely, and not very healthy either. However, everyone responds differently, and so its hard to say how much weight you will actually lose after the first 11 day cycle. If you stick to the diet plan, you will see results. I have spoken to numerous people who have purchased fat loss 4 idiots, and most of them have lost the weight that they wanted with the program. The few who didn't lose the weight, blamed it on themselves not following the fat loss 4 idiots program. Its very simple; If you are determined to lose weight, just follow the program and stick with it. after the 11 day cycle, you have 4 days to cheat and eat whatever you want. That way, you 'll have something to look forward to after 11 days.

Here is what fat loss 4 idiots is NOT-

It does NOT count calories or carbs

You will NOT have to buy a monthly membership

You will NOT have special food delivered to you that come with the program.

You pay once for the program, and you go to your regular grocery store, and buy the foods that the software helped you generate.

Losing weight doesn't come easy for some people. It takes determination and work. Fat loss 4 idiots isn't for everyone, but if you can follow a simple plan, then you will see results.

To read more about this diet, Click here

Holly Stewart is an online entrepreneur. Visit her website at

Power Of Yoga Dvd


From Longing to Living

What are you doing? I mean it. What are you doing and why?

Are you just doing what you think will get you ahead in life? Out of your current stuck rut? Everybody breathe...again, and deeper. Now one more time...

I used to hate it when therapists, coaches, yoga teachers etc. would do all these breathing exercises during my time with them. "What a waste" I used to think...can't we just "Get on with things, I have a lot to do/discuss/process etc."

So here we are, breathing together and deeper. Slowing the swirling pace of life down. Being present in our bodies, in tune with our hearts, and anchored in our bellies. Yes, women, in the exact same place that babies are birthed, is where you too must birth your dreams, your desires, your dance with life.

I know that at numerous stages in my life, I've applied for so many things I didn't even want...but I sure thought I did at the time! This absurd pattern started with colleges. I kept applying to one university in particular, not because I liked the school or the city it was in, but because my friends were going there and it "sounded" good. Next, I'd go after guys that I wasn't truly interested in. (This is an article in and of itself!) After that I'd apply for jobs that I didn't really want. Those, of course, were easy to justify, "I needed to work" "It pays the bills" "It includes health insurance" "I should take this job" "It's a good opportunity" "It'll look good on my resume". Recently I found myself doing the SAME thing...

Going after things I thought I should do, sounded practical, could probably work out etc. Yesterday I decided to breathe...deeply. Today I decided to ONLY go after what I REALLY want. The people, projects and experiences that absolutely light me up! I have not taken a vow to be a martyr, and if you look close it could appear that way. (At least until yesterday!)

This whole "going for what I want idea" is interesting. It certainly is opposite to the way I was taught to live life. But many of the ways I've been taught don't work for me. So, today, it's me and God.

Closer than ever, going slower than ever. I'm breathing and asking, "what's next?"; versus being the CEO of rushing nowhere fast.

Today, I'm trusting that if I go for what I truly desire, it will feel good in my body and thrill my soul; and that is where God and I dance. I'm not taking a practical route! I'm jumping on the love train...loving myself, loving my God, and loving and trusting that I'm being directed to where I will be used for His purpose. It is in this divine joy that I switch from longing to living. Here are the 7 steps to go after what you really want:

1. Stop, breathe deeply and be present. 2. Let your desire surface. 3. Trust that extraordinary experiences and provision are meant for you. 4. Give yourself permission to go for what you REALLY want. 5. Start having FUN with your life. 6. Call 3 people and share with them the great news of what you're doing. 7. Get to work...your life is waiting for you to arrive!

2007 Gina Ratliffe

**If you would like personalized coaching to assist you in overcoming

your obstacles, call Gina at 310-773-1824 or email her at for further details.

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