Saturday, November 17, 2007 

Do You Need to Lose Weight?

Are you a woman? If you are and if you are like many other women, there is a good chance that you are concerned with your appearance. When it comes to appearance, there are many women who are concerned with their weight, namely the weight that they would like to shed or need to shed. Unfortunately, many women believe that they need to lose weight when they really dont. To determine if you should seriously think about losing weight, as it is an important issue, you may want to continue reading on.

When it comes to determining if you should lose weight, there are a number of important factors that you should consider. Since many women are concerned with their appearance and the way that they look, you may want to examine your appearance. Do you think that could benefit from a weight loss? If you are currently unhappy with the way that you look, it may be something to consider. Of course, it is also important to make sure that you dont lose too much weight, as it can be harmful to your health. For that reason, you may want to consult with your doctor to determine if weight loss is an issue that you should work on.

Speaking of consulting with your doctor, your doctor may have recommended that you lose weight, with their own fee will. If your doctor has suggested that you lose weight, it is advised that you take his or her suggestion into consideration. What many women fail to realize is that their healthcare professional isnt as concerned with their appearance as they are their health. So, if your doctor recommends that you lose weight, even just a little bit of weight, he or she may be concerned with your health and the possibility of you developing any weight related health complications.

The two above mentioned signs are two the most common signs that you may want to think about losing weight. Of course, it is important to remember that the decision to lose weight is yours to make, as it is an issue that you have to deal with. With that in mind, it is important to also remember that carrying around excess weight is more than just carrying around excess weight. There are many women who are constantly stressed out about or concerned with their appearance. If you would no longer like to spend every day in front of the mirror ashamed of your body or hiding your body from those and you know and love, it may be time to take action.

If you would like to lose weight, you may be pleased to know that you have a number of different options. Many women are able to develop their own weight loss plans, which often include a regular exercise plan, as well as eating healthy. You also have the option of joining a local weight loss program or an online weight loss program. These types of programs are nice, as you often get professional advice as well as support from group leaders and other weight loss program members.

See the more article at:

For more information on lost weight,do visit Lost weight a website that specializes in providing lose weight and other related Information, Advice and Resources.

As a reminder, it is advised that you take the time to speak with your physician, regarding your weight loss plans or goals. This is especially important if you plan on creating your own at-home weight loss plan. In addition to giving you the go-ahead, your physician may also offer you a few weight loss tips, tricks, and techniques, ones that you may find helpful.

Brittabushnell Yoga Teacher


Ab Machines - Why They Don't Work For Weight Loss And A Slimmer Waist

Ab machines, you've seen them on all those infomercials on TV for years now. They all advertise that by using them, you will get a slimmer waistline and firm rock hard abs. At least they got one out of the two claims right. Here's a look at why ab machines are totally worthless when it comes to weight loss.

You just have to love how the advertisers of all the different ab machines set up their commercials. You get a couple of hot young models with 6-pack abs using the various machines and smiling the entire time. They make it look like it takes no effort at all and it's just so much fun to use.

They talk about how using their ab machine for only a few minutes a day will have you shredding off the fat and looking great. If you only it were that easy.

So, what is the real story with ab machines? The real story is that ab machines will work in doing one thing; strengthening your abdominal muscles. That's it. They will not take inches off your waist or make you thinner.

What most people don't understand is that you can have the world's strongest abs and still have a fat stomach to go with it. I know, that may have some of you scratching your head, but here's why.

Think of pro football players. Without a doubt, they are among the biggest and strongest athletes in the world. Their ab muscles are extremely well developed to withstand the rigors of playing pro football. In fact, you could hit them with a hammer and not hurt their stomach. But, many of these players weigh well over 325 pounds and have huge stomachs to go with it.

The reason for this is that the ab muscles are behind the layers of fat in your body. They are hidden so to speak. So, you can have 6-pack abs, but no one will know it because they are hidden by the fat.

Ab machines only strengthen the muscle, not reduce the fat. Of course, the advertisers don't want you to know this because they want you to spend money buying their products.

The only way to a reduced waistline is by dieting and losing the fat that is above those ab muscles. Once that happens you will begin seeing a leaner waistline.

By the way, you can learn more about how to Lose Weight Fast as well as see the plan I use along with my results and much more information on weight loss on my blog at

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