Saturday, January 12, 2008 

Golf Swing Troubleshooting

Every golfer player knows that in order to lower their scores they need to learn about golf strategy as well as tips on how to help with golf swing. Below we provide you with some golf swing troubleshooting tips which should help to ensure that you get the most out of your swing every time you play.

golf swing Troubleshooting

When it comes to aiming at a target a golfer can cause themselves to miss aim in a couple of ways. The first is because they place their body in such a position that it is this which is aimed at the target. What you should be doing in order to aim correctly at the target is to have your club sitting at right angles to the target which you align your body parallel left to it. It will take quite a bit of practice on your part in order to get you to align your body and club correctly when you actually play a game of golf on a course. The best place to practice this position is at the driving range where you can pick a target that you wish to aim at. Then you get another one of your clubs a few feet in front of you in line with the target. Then take another club and place this parallel to the first but in line with your toes so that it shows how your body is aligned. Then you just start to need hitting a few balls and after a while you will find that you are easily able to train both your body and eyes to accept the way in which you are aligning your body now.

If you are looking to get more distance and less loft out of your shot you need to spend time evaluating how you actually move through the swing to the stage where you hit the golf ball. If you find that your swing is quite steep it may be advisable to come lower the loft and if you are someone who finds that they have a much shallower steep swing then it may be worth your while actually raising your loft higher. By raising your loft you will be able to provide maximum low spin but it will launch the ball much higher when it is in flight. It is best that your launch angle should sit somewhere between 13 and 14 degrees at all time.

When it comes to using different golf swing troubleshooting tips it is important that you always relate the position of the ball to your upper body. A lot of golfers today will use their feet as a way of judging a balls position and this will in most cases actually give the illusion that it is in the correct position when it isn't.

Click here now for FREE ACCESS to our unique golf tips that will have you hitting the ball more consistently within 30 minutes.

You're about to learn the simple secret that will lengthen your drive & cut your handicap by 7-12 strokes in just 2 weeks (or less)...

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Bikrams Yoga Positions


Do Low Fat, Low Carb, or Low Calorie Diets Work?

Do (Fill in the blank) diets work?

Strange title.

But I believe that you could insert any popular or fad diet into the above statement and be able to truthfully answer the question.

For the short term yes, for the long-term maybe, but probably not.

Think about it.

Do low Fat diets work?

If they really did, we would be a nation of puny 98 pound weaklings. Everything is low fat, problem is when they remove the fat, something that most of us really like, they replace it with high carbs. low fat coffee cake, come on. Beside that our body needs fat to operate, maybe not the fat we give it, but we do need fat.

Do low calorie diets work?

Our genetic makeup won't let our bodies starve. When we were hunters and gathers and had some lean times, when food was scarce, our bodies started to slow the metabolism down to preserve us. As you start to reduce your caloric intake you body compensates for it and starts to go into a survival mode. Oh sure you will lose weight initially but that will stop and you will be upset most of the time because you are hungry.

Do low carb diets work?

I will admit that it was easy for me to follow the Atkins Diet. But it was not easy for my wife to follow it. Still it was a pain in the --- not eating some of the fruits I really enjoy. I truly do believe that a modified form of this diet is the best one for most people. Not as harsh as Atkins but maybe more in the line of south beach. You kick-start your system with the low carb diet and then transition into a sensible eating plan.

Do the Purchase our food diets work?

If you get on some of the plans, it will cost you $300 to $600 a month for the privilege of eating their food. I am not sure about you, but that is some serious change to eat. Oh, I'm sorry, with most of these plans you still need to purchase some food to supplement their food. Give me a break!

I have found some of the frozen dinners do a good job of portion control, along with following the weight watchers guidelines. They are reasonably priced and very convenient. I am doing this right now. Although some of these brands do leave something to be desired in the taste category, but that is something you will need to find out for yourself if you choose this plan.

So the question remains Do (Fill in the blank) diets work? For the short term yes, for the long-term maybe, but probably not.

But think about this. We did mention that we were genetically made to burn fuel efficiently.

What would happen if we changed what we eat and when we eat it and kept our body burning fuel in that highly efficient manner. Instead of a low calorie diet, we gave it the food it needed and then changed what we gave it for a few days so it started burning our stored body fat.

Then before the metabolism starts to slow down, we give it the food it needs again. We we just keep changing our food pattern and food intake to keep our furnace burning hot. But that is for another article, another day.

Ross Gallo writes on health care information topics. If your passion is health care and you want more amazing anti-aging, health and weight loss information, you can read more of his work at

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Yoga for Constipation - Home Remedies for Constipation

yoga is a science. The power of yoga is infinite. yoga can heal many problems and ailments. There are lots of yoga poses (asana), which help the whole body.

Constipation is a common problem. Everybody in his or her lifetime faces this problem at some point in time. This condition should be treated or else it could lead to many more serious problems. The main problem with constipation is that the stool becomes hard and the person is unable to pass it with ease. yoga could help a person to overcome constipation. The following asanas have proven to be helpful.

Bhujanghasana: This asana helps in removing constipation, gas and helps in digestion.

Trikonasana: Helps the colon and assists a person to pass stool normally.

Ardha Matsyendrasana: Increases the digestive fire and relieves constipation

Supta Vajrasana: Helps in digestion and relieves constipation

Home remedies for relieving constipation:

Take one glass of milk while going to bed at night, as this helps in passing stool normally in the morning.

Take at least 2 glasses of warm water in the morning and go for a small walk; this would help in relieving constipation.

Taking 2-3 glasses of lemon juice with warm water 2-3 times a day helps lessen constipation.

Taking 1-2 spoons of Aloe gel will relieve you of this condition.

In Ayurveda, triphala churna helps in relieving constipation. It must be taken along with water or milk before going to bed.

In short, do your yoga asanas everyday and relax for a healthy life.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

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