Tuesday, January 1, 2008 

How To Stay In Shape Forever

The core of true fitness lies in your hearts strength. Your heart is one of the most valuable pieces of equipment in your body. This little pump the size of your own fist literally creates life for your body. You can survive a shock to your brain, but if your heart stops, the chances of survival diminish drastically. If your heart is weak, your whole body is weak. It represents the ultimate power both internally and externally. A strong heart helps you lift weights easier, helps you run faster, jump higher and creates a better athlete or a better exercise devotee.

If all the above is true, how come a lot of us worry about the size of our biceps instead? I believe this is true because one way or another, a lot of us believe it is harder to exercise the heart then it is to work other muscles. When you weight train for instance, you dont sweat as much as when you participate in aerobics. This is true because the system that operates during weight training is anaerobic or without oxygen allowing the body to use less energy. Cardio training like cycling, running or aerobics uses much more energy because the consumption of oxygen is higher resulting in excessive sweat.

One way to keep an excellent healthy heart is to exercise aerobically to maintain proper cardiovascular health. In other words, you must stress or cause your heart to work harder than usual to keep arteries clear and to improve pumping power as well. weight training is not the best method to exercise the heart. It affects the heart somewhat, but not enough. Make sure that you choose the right exercises that focus on the right system in your body. What ensures results is selecting exercises that directly affect the areas, muscles or system needing improvement. This is one way to maximize results. To be in shape forever then, its imperative for the health of the heart to be impeccable.

Rosendo Lopez began his Tae kwon Do training in 1990. He has a vast background in meditation, yoga and wellness. He is also the founder of http://www.theyinyangselfcenter.com He incorporates boxing, weight training and yoga to Tae Kwan Do practice. He is finalizing a book title, The Trinity of fitness.

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Tips on Golf Swings

As any golfer will tell you it is important that you understand what the golf swing is as this is the key to ensuring that you can play a good round of golf every time you go to the course. But not just learning how to swing the club properly you also need to take other factors into consideration such as the weather as this can seriously affect your game. However below we some tips on golf swings which could help to improve yours.

Tip 1
It is important that you know what your strengths are. Are you someone who has a good angle on the ball every time they go to hit it or are you someone that finds they can hit the ball 350 yards nearly every time. Then what you should be doing is actually spending a little more time not just perfecting these parts of your game but also spending a little time each game or whenever practicing on what you consider to be your weaknesses.

tip 2
You need to try and practice as much as possible in all kinds of weather. By practicing in various different kinds of weather you are actually helping to improve and master your golf swing and this also means that you will find it much easier to play a round of golf no matter what the weather is like. You may not believe it but a lot of Tiger Woods time when he is not competing is spent in practicing and perfecting his game.

tip 3
A lot of golfers will spend far too much time worrying about the outcome of the swing that they forget about the back swing. Initially a lot of golfers when they first start playing the game will use their hands to create the force that is needed in the swing when instead it should be coming from their arms. Using the hands to create the force in the swing will only cause you problems and will cause the movement to be less smooth and flowing. So spend just a little time each day or whenever you are going to go and play a round of golf practicing your back swing.

tip 4
Get some expert coaching? Yes it does cost money to get a golf professional to provide you with some one on one coaching. However this is probably one of the best ways of ensuring that you get your golf swing down to perfection. also there are golf swing aids available such as the Tac Tic which can help to improve your golf swing. This particular aid has been designed to inform you if your grip is wrong or if the swing itself is wrong. Although these both cost you money they will certainly save you money in the long run and help to improve your swing but also your scores that you achieve when you next play a game.

tip 5
Read everything you can get your hands on! There are dozens of really great eBooks online with tips on golf swings and improving your game (and they are a lot cheaper than paying for golf lessons).

Above we have provided you with some tips on golf swings which although may not make it perfect will certainly help in making it better than it is now.

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