Tuesday, January 29, 2008 

Find out How to Fix the Xbox 360 3 Red Lights

Is your xbox 360 flashing 3 red lights? If so, you have encountered a general hardware problem that is often referred to in the gaming community as the 'red ring of death'. Don't worry though, you're not the only one suffering from xbox 360 problems. Nearly one out of every three consoles will have problems. And almost every gamer has seen the 3 red lights.

This problem is usually caused from the console overheating. This article will review some of the best ways to prevent overheating.

If you keep your console in an enclosed area like a cabinet, then chances are high that your system will start overheating.

To prevent the 3 red lights, place your console out in the open where it can get plenty of air. For maximum heat release, elevate your console up off the ground. This helps prevent the PSU from overheating.

You'll also want to make sure the xbox is NOT located near a heat source like the back side of a television, computer, monitor, or other electrical device.

Whatever you do, don't put your Xbox 360 on carpet. This will block the ventilation and can cause the system to overheat very quickly.

If your console has already succumbed to the 3 red lights, you can actually fix it yourself with a few common household tools in under an hour.

Don't bother with the 'towel trick' and other off-the-wall methods you'll probably find floating around the internet. Those will only burn up your Xbox 360. You're much better off getting a permanent fix.

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