Saturday, February 16, 2008 

Where Do I Find Good Arcade Games?

When considering arcade games the first thought that comes to mind is Fun! The second is childhood. arcade Games loomed large in childhood, but for many of us those golden years have never really ended! The 1980s are considered by many to be the golden age of arcade games. This is largely because this is the time that gave birth to the genre, so it has a very real air of both innovation and innocence about it in terms of the games that came out of that period. And thinking about the subject of Where do I find Good arcade Games? simply would not be complete without a look at that time period.

The period around the 1980s saw the emergence of some of the most popular arcade games EVER,. Beginning with games like Space Invaders which made its world debut in 1978. Pac-man in 1980, and Donkey kong in 1981 being amongst the most popular. Its hard to think back now that there was a relative scarcity of choice regarding the games that you could play (however good they were). When you consider that some of the free arcade sites on the internet now have over 1500 different arcade games. So, its quite mind boggling how far the industry has come in such a short space of time.

There are a lot of websites on the internet today that offer free arcade games that are easy to play, keep scores and make your time on the internet a lot more interesting. Today you can find classic arcade games on the internet everywhere. You can find arcade games that run on hand held computers, arcade games that use emulators to create that classic feel, and gaming consoles like the Playstation and xbox.

The latest generation of arcade video games now has much more interactivity built in as part of the game design, so that the game play is much more involved and you feel more a part of it. Though in truth, I dont feel any of them have quite caught up to the impact that space invaders had when it first came out ;)

The new Playstation and Xboxs are now amongst us, and with these latest generation gaming machines you get to take gaming to a whole other level. The question of finding good arcade games is then a tricky one, because in large part it requires you to define exactly what you mean by arcade games. If you mean an enormous box like machine that you play in an amusement arcade, then you really are still better off going to the seaside. You will see dozens of arcades that still specialize in them. But if you are referring to the true emotion of great gameplay, then these days you are better off with one of two choices. Either playing computer games on your computer (which are becoming more powerful by the month), and secondly playing games via dedicated game consoles. Both have advantages and disadvantages. The dedicated gaming machines tend to have better playability and graphics, but for now at least the games on the computer platforms tend to have much larger community bases (World of Warcraft for example). So if it is interactive gaming that you seek, then you are better off sticking to a PC.

Either way, the message is simple. Keep playing! (Click the links below for weekly updated gaming information.) The technology is constantly improving, and so will the experience of gaming.. Nothing may ever beat Pac man ;) But theres no harm in trying ;)

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