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Tuesday, October 9, 2007 

Handy Solutions To Some Plumping Problems At Home

Faucets generally are stable and reliable in all places like kitchens and bathrooms. Whenever one of them goes out of order, it is a great mess with spilled and over flown water making our life miserable. Be prepared to deal with water spraying into the room at great force. It is more than expected in normal home conditions. Panic doesnt pay find a reliable solution to solve the problem as and when it occurs. Indoor water disasters generally have a notable pattern read on to find out more.

Here are a few plumping problems and handy solutions

Kitchen Leaky Pipe Joints Kitchen faucets have more use than you presumably imagine, in a sense the usage is heavier than that of bathroom taps. Joints in faucets sometimes can go wrong, leaving you with drop-by-drop leak or quick strong sprays to deal with. Messing your shirt or the kitchen floor are normal proceedings. The first thing to do is hold nerves if it is possible is not a question, hold your breath and block the valve leading to the leaky faucet. OK, thus water flow is ceased and now you can check for the reason of the leak. Remove the joint from the plumping system and hold it against some bright light. Check if there are any cracks or holes that caused the leak. Replace the cracked line with a new one. Wrap the line with plumbers tape or any Teflon tape. Twist it four or five times. You dont really need scissors to severe the Teflon tape just pull it off after wrapping the lines. Once you fix the lines, replace the faucet. Open the valve leading to the sink and open the faucet. If it is still leaking, there may be more holes than you have seen, if not, it is done.

Frozen Water Pipes You wake one morning to find bathroom taps remaining unyielding to your demands of water. There is nothing so maddening like getting a frozen pipe. It is for sure, you have a tough nut at hands to crack. Anyhow, you have to deal with it. A colder than ice mind and a warm coat will be nice possessions to have. You know, all pipes dont freeze at the same time. It may be just one that testing your patience level. Finding the frozen pipe from the myriad of pipes of your house is possible if neither impossible nor easy. There is an easy way of identifying frozen pipes. Turn on all the pipes to inside the house. The pipes that are blocked generally are blocked due to a large block of ice. Turn off the pipes that produce water and leave the ones that dont open. It would be easy if the piping is metal alloy. If plastic, it can be difficult in heating the pipe and melting the ice away.

Thawing out Frozen Pipes Take a hair drier or a heat gun and electric cord of sufficient length. Without overheating the plastic pipe, gently apply heat over the pipe. The ice block has formed probably because of a crack or a leak. Pluck the gap or leak if any. Heat the pipe with quick sweeping motion for a maximum of five minutes. You should have removed the clog by now.

Preventing Frozen Pipes It is not certainly an amusing idea to crawl over house pipes with long electric outlet cords to fix frozen pipes every winter. If mending frozen pipes is a regular chore, consider rearranging whole piping through a single, possibly heated pipe space. You can also considering insulating the areas where pipes run. Using a heat tape to wrap the pipe is also a fine idea. You can always find the items required at your local home improvement store.

Max Peykar writes about different issues including plumping.


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