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Tuesday, October 16, 2007 

3 Reasons Why Communication Training Will Change Your Life

For a parent, nothing beats the feeling of hearing a child utter his or her first word. As early as this stage, you are already helping your children develop their communication skills, which is an essential part of their life that will be carried on as they grow into adults. Be it in a personal or professional environment, having the ability to communicate effectively is an essential key to survival.

However, there are certain barriers to effective communication which some people may need to overcome. Factors like lack of self-confidence, not knowing the right words to use, and not being able to determine the best method by which you can get your message across are a few of the reasons why some people find it difficult to communicate. If you are experiencing these problems, you need to undergo communication training which will help you overcome such obstacles.

Learning is an ongoing process and even if you think that you are already a good speaker or communicator, there is always room for improvement. On the other hand, if you are having difficulties in "sending the right message" to the people that you are communicating with, you will certainly benefit from communication training, be it a formal or informal type of learning. Read on to learn more about the benefits of communication training:

1. You will have a solid grasp of what communication is all about.

By merely observing a conversation from afar, you will have some idea of what effective communication is all about. gathering feedback, gaining another person's opinion, commanding or asking another person to do something, persuading another person to your way of thinking - there are a lot of purposes when it comes to why people communicate. So generally, communication involves getting your message across. As soon as you learn this fundamental, this will be your basis in the communication training towards developing effective communication skills.

2. You will learn how to 'adjust' your methods of communicating according to the situation or the person that you are dealing with.

one of the major barriers of communication is not knowing how to keep up with the pace of the person that you are speaking with. Remember, the way that you speak with your colleagues at work should be different from the way that you address your superiors. The way that you speak with your friends will be similar with the way that you communicate with your family. The way that you deal with a total stranger is different from the way that you will treat a neighbor or an acquaintance.

From these examples, you will see that you are able to adjust the way that you communicate with different people under various circumstances. Since you already have this basic communication skill, all you have to do is enhance it by being more sensitive to the needs of the person that you are dealing with, as well as gauging his or her response to what you are saying.

3. You will develop your speaking and listening skills, as well as enhance your 'people' skills.

Good communication training will develop your active listening skills, as well as your speaking skills. Also, you can learn how to 'read' a person's body language, and build rapport with the people that you are dealing with. Finally, you will be able to identify your personal 'effective communication barriers' and take steps in eliminating them.

With all these benefits and more, why would you not want to take advantage of communication training? not only will you be a better speaker and listener, but you will also gain confidence in the fact that you can build better personal and professional relationships with the people around you through effective communication.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 simple Steps to Developing communication Confidence. apply now because it is available only at: conversation starters

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